About the event
Countries are working out their long-term strategies, raising questions about how they will be financed.
This side event presented solutions that can facilitate the financing of the transition and the roles of the key actors for climate financing.
- Place: Memphis 300

- Benoit Leguet, I4CE - Institute for Climate Economics
- Climate Action Network - Latin America (CAN-LA)
- Sandra Guzman, Grupo de Cambio Climático para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (GFLAC)
- Micaela Carlino, Fundación Torcuato Di Tella (ITDT)
- Sagarika Chatterjee GFANZ Secretariat, Climate Champions Team
- Luis Fierro, Green Economic Policies Expert, EU Global
- Stéphane Hallegatte, Senior Change Adviser, World Bank
- Graham Watkins, Inter-American Development Bank